
Not only do we value Professional Development for ourselves, but we believe in sharing our expertise and experience with our colleagues, helping to advance the practice of early childhood education. Cathy and Michelle are proud to have presented the following workshops at early childhood conferences:

Parsimonious Playgrounds: How to Develop and Enhance Outdoor Play Areas Using a Minimum of Equipment and a Maximum of Imagination

Presented at NAEYC Conference in New Orleans, 1999

Peering through the Goodbye Window: A Family-Centered Approach for Supporting Transitions with Toddlers

Presented at NCAEYC Conference in Greensboro, 2009

Emergent Literacy Audit for the Children’s Museum of Wilmington

Conducted in Wilmington, 2009

Gather Around the Table: Family-style Dining as a Context for Social and Communicative Development

Presented as Teacher Research Graduate Thesis at UNC Chapel Hill, 2010

The Art of Seeing: Helping Young Children Observe and Record Nature’s Patterns

Presented at the Reggio Emilia Charlotte Area Group Wonderworks Conference Charlotte, 2015

Detour Trail Closed: Toddlers and Young Preschoolers Long-term Observations of Construction as an Extension of the Classroom

Presented at Ordinary Moments Extraordinary Learning Conference in conjunction with The Wonder of Learning Exhibit Durham, 2017

Embracing Adventure and Risk in the Toddler’s Day

Presented at Transforming the Image of the Child Conference in Durham, 2019